Из эфира норвежского канала бесследно пропала женщина


Пользователи Reddit обратили внимание на казус в репортаже на норвежском телеканале TV2. Во время интервью с главным тренером женской гандбольной сборной для передачи Sport Center в аэропорту Копенгагена женщина, стоявшая на заднем плане, за доли секунды бесследно исчезла.

За несколько часов гифка с фрагментом записи набрала в сервисе Imgur более 3,5 миллионов просмотров.

Пользователи отмечают, что на видео нет следов монтажа. Вероятнее всего, героине удалось скрыться за шедшей перед ней женщиной с тележкой.

Danish TV channel TV2 was interviewing Klavs Bruun Jorgensen, head coach of the country’s women’s handball team, at Copenhagen Airport when the bizarre incident happened.

As interesting as we are sure Klavs is – the real action happens behind him.

One of team is seen talking to a woman as she pushes her baggage trolley.

But when she passes the woman – she vanishes.

The clip has sent the internet into meltdown – with people variously suggesting she is a witch or she has channeled the spirit of the late great Paul Daniels.

On Imgur, one user commented: «Holy hell, no more beer for me…just for tonight.»

Jabman48 said: «Okay that’s the creepiest thing I’ve seen in a while. Almost hope it’s fake!»

DontcallmeLen wrote: «The Matrix is broken again.»

AaronRiveraVindas added simply: «BURN THE WITCH!»

What do you think happened?

After watching the clip quite a few times, we think we know what happened?

If you look closely, you will notice the woman turns at same time as the handball player she is talking to.

The eagle eyed will also spot a few wisps of blonde hair behind the handball player and a reflection moving on the floor.

This suggests the woman is walking the other side of the handball player pushing the trolley, at exactly the same speed.


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